Wednesday, April 11, 2007

the peasants are revolting!

So I deleted my previous blog and I am feeling rather down about all the awesum stuff that went down the electronic wormhole, never to be enjoyed ever again. Eish!

*sobs hysterically into his cold plate of chicken a la king*

At this precise moment I am sitting at my desk - disgruntled - eating my hostage work lunch, silently trapped in my office and not particularly feeling very friendly. Not even partially friendly. Ok! I AM NOT FRIENDLY. And at the same time I’m plotting to kill myself in this very office, but to use some kind of big gynormous hugely overcompensating mofo of a gun, to ensure I get enough flowery blood splatter when my head explodes and therefore guaranteeing that THEY will never be able to get rid of the stains. Mwah mwah ha ha ha *he cackled manically wondering just how stjoopid this plan really is*

Forever tainted these walls will be. God! It sounds like the title of some angry Alanis Morrisette song. Or some mystically confused gypsy with a lisp…

Ok enough about this place. Let’s G-O to a better, happier moment in time! The Easter weekend was… eh interesting… went to see Sofia Coppola’s Marie Antoinette and quite enjoyed it, even though afterwards I had an incredible craving for sickly sweet, prettily pink cakey thing-y-majix… and to get dressed up in over-the-top campy wigs, frills and shit. Luckily the feeling passed before I got to the car. Who knows what kind of horrors that may have caused? Eeek! Interesting perspective of the young queen’s life tho… I know it was booooooo’ed in French cinemas and I kinda get that, but I don’t know (or for that matter particularly care) how much of it is fact, but it did remind me of the saying that History is written by the Victors. So who knows… maybe she was just a teenage queen, forced into a life of annoyingly tasteless decadence, not very successful with the whole consummating of the marriage thing or even awfully clever. Maybe she just was misunderstood? The same of course; my friend THE AIRY FAIRY reminded me; could be said about bloody Paris Hilton. Not the sex thing tho, I think she has trouble keeping her panties on. “Damn I lost them again. Oh well!” *parties on* He loves her obviously. I still have trouble getting over that fact. Traitor! Sooo… yes. But I still think it’s good to get another perspective of previously unquestioned situations/beliefs etc. It helps to keep us sane…

Sorry Paris, this does not change my opinion about you, my skanky fair-haired heiress. I still believe you should meet the same fate as our lovely historical IT-girl. Have you seen the peasants though? They are revolting!

1 comment:

Cacophony said...

soz for having to delete your blog. maybe a new beginning is in order though. loving the first post, just because i really did love the movie. nobody can ever really say what marie antionette was like, but as a guess i think this one is very plausible.

hope to c ya soon